Friday, December 23, 2011

Tis the Season of Giving……….

One of the things your Board of Directors values highly is the Credit Union’s ability to help our communities in a variety of ways, some not within the normal realm of financial services.

Well, beginning January 1, we will roll out a new program that is a shining example of this commitment. I’m sure you are well aware of our Patronage Reward program (I hope anyway). Each December 31st NSFCU issues a Patronage Reward to each member; the amount of the reward is pro-rated based on the amount of business the member does with the Credit Union that year. The Rewards can be impressive as we give back $200,000 per year and have now rebated over $2.5 million since we started the program. To make it even better, the Rewards are deposited into special savings accounts earning 10% annual percentage yield.

The new program will allow individual members to donate their Patronage Rewards (if they choose to do so) to one of many fine non-profit organizations in our membership area. The non-profit must have their account at NSFCU and sign up for the program, but we have many of these types of accounts (churches, clubs, you name it) so, chances are, your favorite organization is eligible. An updated list will be kept on our website so you can check that out if you are interested.

Making the donation will be easy. Just call your closest office and we will transfer funds to the non-profit of your choice. You can donate any amount, up to the balance you have in your Patronage Reward account. The best part is, the donations are deposited into the designated organization’s Patronage Reward account, which earns the same 10% APY.

We notified all of our non-profit accounts about this unique opportunity. If your organization has not registered for the program and would like to, just call one of our offices and we’ll get the process started (its easy).

Alright, let’s get started helping out all these organizations that do so much for the area where we live. We’ll even give it a ho, ho, ho when we make the transfer…..
